Event Registration - South Dakota Discovery Center
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Ignite: Braiding Indigenous and Western STEM for K-5
7/31/2024 - 8/1/2024
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST

Event Description
Ignite offers K-5 standard aligned, hands-on STEM lessons that are culturally relevant to the learners and communities of the Oceti Sakowin. Join us for this workshop on the Sinte Gleska University campus* to explore the topics and approaches that make STEM fun, enriching, and culturally relevant.

K-5 in-service teachers are invited to wonder, investigate and grow using Ignite to enrich their STEM instruction. A $250 stipend is offered upon attendance of both days and a submission of reflection.

Sign up today!

*One day remote may be an option depending on participants' locations. Second day will be in person. Both days required for stipend